If more Africans had eaten missionaries, the continent would be in better shape

By all means, learn beyond the classroom. In the end, thats all that will matte

La vérité pour l’homme, c’est qui fait de lui un homme.

Girls are pearls, ladies are rubies, mothers are moulders, and women are wonderful.

Because of my schooling, my fate would always be a little different from my friends.

You can travel the world but If you cannot let go of the past, you will never move on.

... cynicism is the only tool that can scrape away the tint off rose-coloured glasses.

I don't fancy colors of the face, I'm always attracted to colors of the brain.

Never is a man more proud than when he shuffles paper in front of an illiterate person.

This is a story of Africa. A pioneer woman's journey north was merely the beginning.

The boxer had two black eyes. But that’s to be expected, since he was from Africa.

Africa is crying out for entrepreneurial leaders & for leaders who are entrepreneurial.

La conscience morale de l’humanité progresse, lentement mais sûrement...

Volunteering abroad is a powerful force for change but only if you choose the right project.

There is beauty and power in unity.We must be united in heart and mind.One world, one people.