Oh, that's the pot calling the kettle black.Amusement flowed through the connection as Seth said, Or it's the pot calling the pot a pot.

It was so quiet you could hear a fly run into a wall. Everyone was staring at me like I’d just pulled up my shirt and asked for some beads.

I breathed in the memory of his lips, the softness of them, and how they felt tracing across my skin, leaving ripples of goosebumps in their wake.

I think he was worried about pushing things too far for the time being since I was obviously rocking a first-class ticket to certifiable insanity.

I grabbed his hand. He jumped and stared at the connection like something both magical and dangerous had happened."Do you wanna be friends?" I asked.

Persephone smiled. "Caleb and I play Super MArio Kart every day at one, and when he cancelled on me I knew something was up."I looked at Caleb slowly.

Lindworms are a sign of a healthy ecosystem,” I said, straightening. “Now let’s get out of here before the healthy ecosystem eats us.

Alex grabbed our things from the bike and bought them inside; then he fastened the tent closed, securing us in."Come here, babe, I'll keep you warm.

I just don't want you to feel that way, because I love you. I'm in love with you. Forever and ever, and all the corny things I can attach to that.

Well why don't you lean over this counter a little more and give me your best kiss, and then I'll tell you if I want you to take me out to dinner.

If you're going to carry a dagger, you need to learn to use it."I frowned at him. "I know how to use it. I stick the pointy end in things I don't like.

-Todo el mundo está dormido. Llevan años dormidos. Tu parecias... despierta - susurra. Cierra los ojos, los vuelve a abrir-. Estoy harto de dormir.

We were lying on the blanket in the backyard of 37 Brooks, like we always did that summer. Lena was on her side, cheek resting on her hand, hair loose. Beautiful.

How in the world did they just jump from politics, to a ball, and now to daimon attacks? And here I’d thought I had the attention span of an ant on Red Bull.

Raccoon." She saw Ellie put a hand to her mouth to cover the giggles and then looked back at Tom. "Like, you caught it?""Well, it sure didn't get Fed-Exed [...]