Thought can organize the world so well that you are no longer able to see it.

Love is the perception of perfection beyond the protection of our projection.

Mindfulness and awareness is the bridge between reaction and conscious choice.

The evolution of the universe is both mirrored by and incumbent upon your own.

Sometimes I long to forget… It is painful to be conscious of two worlds.

To become different from what we are we must have some awareness of what we are

Awareness is the enemy of sanity for once you hear the screaming it never stops

Were you aware that my sister looks like my brother? They both look nonexistent.

Each moment of gratitude awareness reveals the total beauty which surrounds you.

When the self is not engaged in apprehending objects it becomes aware of itself.

Is a man truly what he see himself to be?''Only if what he sees is true.

The shortest interval between two points is the awareness that they are not two.

As a rule,I believe people shouldn't follow rules;rules should follow people.

Similitude of the heart is like that of a telephone operator between man and God.

Awareness is the enemy of sanity, for once you hear the screaming, it never stops.