Bullets do not discriminate. They are equal-opportunity projectiles.

Let your action manifest your thought, your belief and your passion.

Thought always deceives us, when it becomes a substitute for action.

No matter how you choose to act, that is the person you will become.

Success is more than a desire; it's a behavior. Act accordingly.

Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.

The most time consuming process in the world is probably "thinking".

Perhaps the palms had been whispering warnings in the sultry breeze.

How doe we define the energy of thought versus the energy of action.

Thinking always deceives us when it becomes a substitute for action.

Have I, have you, been too silent? Is there an easy crime of silence?

Meaning grows in the mind, but the shape and form of the act remains.

Some people are born to hold keys, while others are born to use them.

Happiness has to do with your mindset, not with outside circumstance.

Stop allowing your day-to-day life to be clouded by busy nothingness.