When people laugh and ask me what I see in you, I laugh and tell them everything you don’t.

When you have nothing left but love, then for the first time you become aware that love is enough.

It takes a strong heart to LOVE but it takes an even stronger heart to LOVE after its been BROKEN.

Love is an adventure, you must face some difficulties and challenges before you get what you want.

If you just want them to be happy even if it costs you your own happiness. that’s true love.

I love it when I see old couples in love b’coz it makes me believe that TRUE LOVE does exist.

Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.

Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends.

The worst feeling in the world is giving all the love you have and knowing it will never be returned.

I really didn’t fall in love with him, I promise. I just liked him more than I could ever imagine.

Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.

I finally got my past, present and future correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever.

Never fall in love with your best friend because there is no being friends when it doesn’t work out.

The higher you build the walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone finally breaks them down.