The difference between your mind and your heart is that your mind tells you whats smart to do and your heart what you are gonna do anyway.

Do you ever notice that when you’re driving, anyone going slower than you is an idiot and everyone driving faster than you is a maniac?

Waiting for someone you love is never easy. Especially when the one you’re waiting for isn’t aware that you’re waiting…

Closing all the internet windows by the time your boss gets to your desk is like frantically getting the keys into the door before the killer gets you.

Love and forgiveness cannot be separated. To truly love, you must forgive. To truly forgive, you must love. Forgive and move forward to a life of true love.

Don’t be like cigarettes, people buy you when they need you and step on you when they finish from you, but be like drugs, they DIE if they don’t have you..

Even if I was home alone for six hours, my tv didnt work, computer was broken, phone wasnt charged and I lost the charger… I STILL wouldn’t do my homework.

Your best friends now, can become your worst enemies later, but also the other way around. Keep that in mind when you judge people, because you might experience something like it.

You know you are addicted to Facebook when you log off Facebook, turn your computer off, go to bed, role over, and log onto your Facebook from your phone one last time for the night.