Easter equals three nails, two thieves, and one broken body thank you Jesus for your sacrifice.

Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people..

Awkward moment when everybody knows that you copy paste your facebook status from other website.

May This ONAM Bring In U The Brightest And Choicest Happiness And Love You Have Ever Wished For!

I want to REFRESH my mind DELETE all my problems UNDO all my mistakes and SAVE the happy moments.

The greatest thing about Facebook, is that you can quote something and totally make up the source.

Two things are infinite, The universe & human stupidity, I’m not sure about the universe.

If you really want to know how my heart is feeling, look into my eyes ’cause they never lie..

If I can choose my brother in next life, it’ll be you (if u gift me a Mercedes Benz tomorrow)

If you want something you’ve never had, then you have to do something you’ve never done.

Love is like pizza …. when its good, its really good and when its bad, its still pretty good.

I dont understand why guys think its okay for them to do things but when girls do it they freak out.

Happy easter everyone, May you all be safe and sound in the loving arms of family and friends!Enjoy..

The worst moment is when someone tell you what’s wrong , and he is the reason for your problem.

Waste your money and you have only wasted money. Waste your time and you have lost part of your life.