Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a family.

The greatest gift I ever had - Came from God; I call him Dad

Any man can be a father It takes someone special to be a dad

If she wasn't your grandmother I'd shoot her."Range

I don't have to tell you I love you. I fed you pancakes.

Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family.

I do what I do because I am who I am. Don't make me over.

Without love, life was nothing but endless tasks and battles.

Bleeding ulcers run in my family, we give them to each other.

Success can bring you happiness, finding happiness is success

God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.

Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law.

Everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each othe

Jealousy clings to love's underside like bats to a bridge.

The strength was always in you. All you had to do was find it.