A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle

I love being single. It's almost like being rich.

Do you know they found land mines in woman's souls.

I think feminism has had a major impact on anthropology

I'm pro-choice. But I hope that choice will be life.

I am a WomanPhenomenally.Phenomenal Woman,that's me.

Whisky, gambling and Ferraris are better than housework.

How pleased I was to see I strick the Beast to the heart.

(Only God can make a tree and She seldom tries, nowadays.)

I’m a feminist. That’s why I own a dishwasher.

Society will not crumble if men take a turn at the dishes.

Feminism hasn't failed, it's just never been tried.

The prank is entitled "Subverting the Patriarchal Paradigm".

All men think that a woman walking alone at night is a whore.

The heart of a woman will never be found in the arms of a man.