Lambhood and tigerishness may be found in either gender, and in the same individual at different times.

Oxford was not a conspiracy of silence as far as women were concerned; it was a conspiracy of ignorance.

Better, perhaps, to dress like a whore around the clock and thus achieve a fully integrated personality.

The true meaning of feminism is this: to use your strong womanly image to gain strong results in society

As that great philosopher, Mary Poppins, once said, 'A spoonful of sugar makes the feminism go down.

Feminism is teaching I ve gotten a lot of pleasure pushing younger writers that I ve met and worked with

If women want rights more than they got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it.

After the period of sex-attraction has passed, women have no power in America.” -Elizabeth Bisland

I was too old-fashioned male-chauv to allow that; we discussed for a minute and I wound up with the couch

When men imagine a female uprising, they imagine a world in which women rule men as men have ruled women.

Women's liberation by women who are already liberated through channels that would mess them up furthe

All you have to do, I tell myself, is keep your mouth shut and look stupid. It shouldn't be that hard.

A free American girl can accommodate herself to circumstances without the aid of a man.” -Nellie Bly

The word feminism has become synonymous with man-hating when in fact it has more to do with women than men.

On the scale of relevance, public approval or disapproval of a woman's choices should not merit measure.