Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

Forgiveness is the key to the heart's shackles.

Forgiveness is not an emotion, it's a decision.

Hate destroys a bridge but forgiveness rebuilds it.

The Lord does not forgive excuses, He forgives sin.

I will look at the past, but I will not stare at it.

The difference between black and white is Grace!" EL

To progress is always to begin always to begin again

Forgiveness is a mystical act, not a reasonable one.

Richard Nixon was a serial collector of resentments.

Forgiveness is a gift we can only give to ourselves.

Forgiveness is really just another word for freedom.

Only through Absolution will you reach the Absolute.

Nothing says I forgive you like a punch in the face.