The fate of man does not chase him as much as he chases his fate.

Challenge who you can be, don't let fate control your future.

Stupidity is letting your pride rob you of God’s blessings.

Look beyond the present circumstances, imagine a brighter future.

What happened in Your past will help accelerate you to your future

Do not despair, my friend. Today is theirs, but the future is ours

Love is for the living, for people who have a stake in the future.

When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?

We change with time by how we view the future and reflect the past

Sometimes to find the light switch you need to wander in the dark.

No need to be worry what will happened in the future, just live it.

C'mon, let's get out of here. I have a future to attend to.

I read to know the past, I write to express my love for the future.

And a lot of it will be wrong, but just enough of it will be right.

The future offers everything. Reach out and take whatever you want.