Sorry dear, i prefer cheap products not cheap people.

Be kind to one another and seek beauty in all you do.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

News told, rumors heard, truth implied, facts buried.

Mysteries are facts that haven't been formalized.

You can change someone by your actions, not by your words

Sometimes I'm tired simply means I need something new.

The greatest obstacle is occur in my life due to reluctance

I am a fact factory. I make things you can’t make up.

The family is the cradle of the world's misinformation.

if lying would be a crime, we would all be in jail right now

The battle is always the same, just with different chapters.

The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang."~ Mary Kay

Believe me...Nothing is bad or wrong , just prove it as right

Evidence will terminate any short or long era of an argument.