Creatures whose mainspring is curiosity enjoy the accumulating of facts far more than the pausing at times to reflect on those facts.

A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation.

I am a terrible judge of character' "I don't think so. You just need to take note of FACTS from the outset, not feelings.

Don't get too deep, it leads to over thinking, and over thinking leads to problems that doesn't even exist in the first place.

Women who say that they have met the most amazing guy in the world are only saying that because they haven’t lived with them yet.

My confidence is in the idea that I may be wrong on this or that. No man in this life should ever have to bear the burden of perfection.

Truth and facts are woven together. However, sometimes facts can blind you from seeing what is actually going on in someone’s life.

Là où il n'y a pas de réflexion théorique, la science n'est plus qu'une collection d'archives

People say: 'Let the facts speak for themselves'; they forget that the speech of facts is real only if it is heard and understood.

I have stories. But stories are not facts.''I like stories. Love them, actually. Most of the time they're better than facts.

Science, my boy, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.

Relying only on logic, on what can be factually established, may inform or intimidate, but it will rarely stir anyone into action or change.

But what are facts, really, except things we’ve already proven? There could be lots of almost-facts out there, still waiting for proof.

Ive allways wondered what the 4 letters in the word LIFE stands for. I know understand that it stands for: Little Interesting Facts Everyday.

They're called 'facts', and my role is to amplify those, not cheerlead. And I don't care at all what you think of my motives.