Panic, fear, worry, doubt, negativity ... words not recognized by Cosmic Ordering.

Don't hide yourself. Stand up, keep your head high and show them what you got!

To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.

Often the only difference between success and failure is not using Cosmic Ordering.

Often success goes hand-in-hand with the sum total of sexual activity in your life.

A life spent at the edge of the pier is a life full of regret, a life full of fear.

So fuck Dan. Fuck the police. Fuck the doctors. Fuck Jerome. And fuck the infected!

If high aspirations = high fear, overcoming high fear = achieving high aspirations.

The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with Cosmic Ordering.

With Cosmic Ordering it’s not only your wealth that grows, your mind does too!

Twenty years from now you will be disappointed you never used Cosmic Ordering today.

No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!

No need to steal someone’s thunder, with Cosmic Ordering you can make your own.

To be bold is to be wise enough to realize that fear is the energy that fuels action.

Silver surfers ... nah, that's old hat. Retire a gold surfer with Cosmic Ordering.