On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.

Do not constantly question why your desires have not manifested, although you should keep a vibrational connection to them.

It was, however, time to accept fear for what it was, an emotion that was preventing them from being who they needed to be.

The law of sacrifice postulates that we need to give in order to receive ... Cosmic Ordering says, receive before you give.

A One-Liner used at the right time and at the right place will create a greater impact than any story ever told in the world.

A One-Liner used at the right time and at the right place will create a greater impact than any story every told in the world.

Always remember... Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence and beyond. Be fearless...

I never wanted to be a God fearing person. I wanted to grow up and be a person that was fearless for God. There was a difference.

If you want your prayers answered, you get off your knees and do the one thing you’re praying someone else will do for you.

Everyone has the right to speak their feelings without fear, we all have the right, duty and privilege of allowing that to happen.

You have a right to feel the universe is willing to provide you with blessings, but not to the point that it cannot do without you.

Always do good for others because when people try to drag your name through the mud, God will always bring a storm to wash it away.

We must live with our hearts in our hands - like Mary.We must hold the blood-red heart and no be disappointedwhen others look away.

You can forget trying to climb the success ladder, all you will ever need in life is brought to you in the Cosmic Ordering elevator.

We can become fearless as we let go off our grasp on the fear of failure, because failure too is a perception rather than a reality.