Kon’s films present a fractured, multifaceted world in which everyone has their own different reality.

OK, publishing a book and releasing a movie is all very well, but Tottenham beating Man. U. 3-2... priceless.

To show you how much I love you, I’d take you to the moon and back. Or try to fake it in a film studio.

There is no greater solitude than that of the samurai unless it is that of the tiger in the jungle... Perhaps...

While the characters drive the epic story of Robotech, it’s the robotic mecha that capture the imagination.

I know the best moments can never be captured on film, even as I spend nearly half my life trying to do just that.

Three films a day, three books a week and records of great music would be enough to make me happy to the day I die.

Avoid the tyranny of the reasonable voice...it will guarantee a complacency of never trying anything adventurous...

To paraphrase Muggeridge: Everything is a parable that God is speaking to us, the art of life is to get the message.

Since I see technology as being an extension of the human body, it's inevitable that it should come home to roost.

Žižek seems to have got Hitchcock out of his system, if not out of his unconscious—one never does that.

I've never seen Star Wars or The Godfather, so that would be a good excuse for us to spend a bunch of time together.

Today’s youngsters will unfortunately never know the thrills we experienced dubbing movies in the era of Rashomon.

Hollywood's Studio Era was part of a Golden Age because it didn't need profanity (unlike reality-television today)

You should look straight at a film; that's the only way to see one. Film is not the art of scholars but of illiterates.