Am like a Fire Fly, Charged to Execute my Flames to Light this World up, therefore, you have to Kill me to get out my Flame.

Sex should be about mutual enjoyment, connection, the borrowing from another’s fire at a moment when you want it most.

Fire will burn any human body it touches, and starvation will waste it, but stories are not so predictable in their effects.

Fire. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars. I will not forget thy word. Amen.

There should be a soup spoon on the end of fire truck ladders, because fires do nothing if they don’t warm up leftovers.

Is that not the Promethean fable, that the fire stolen from the gods will light men their way even while it burns their hands?

The fire burnt down our House of Love. Our relationship didn’t work because I was the water, and she was the empty hose.

I’d like to sit around a campfire with a couple of cowboys and argue over who’s going to turn on the stove.

Everywhere he touches is fire. My whole body is burning up, the two of us becoming twin points of the same bright white flame.

There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.

Now I will burn you back, I will burn you through,Though I am damned for it we two will lieAnd burn, here where the starlings fly

You are the source of the sun.And I am the willow's shadow. Oh, you have struck me on the head,Wretch that I am, on fire am I.

These hands elate my life, choke me, broil my bosom, spank me, give fire to my words, my words, mother, my heart beats in my words.

We made love like two coiled up fire hoses. When there’s no fire in the romance, why not act like a couple of sleeping snakes?

Well. I always like it when you kiss me.Do you?You're good at it.Well, that's lucky, because I'll always be kissing you.