Don't expect everyone to admire this world is made up of hate and fire.

Remind me that the most fertile lands were built by the fires of volcanoes.

I ought to fire one of my two employees into the other one’s asshole.

I do know that I don't want to wake him.We were up very late last night.

And he didn't get tired or sleepy, for the beauty burned in him like fire.

Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.

I went to a fire sale. I brought a bucket of water, and boy did I make a splash.

Fire and paper - they do not mix well, n'est pas?""Perhaps they mix too well.

When you have been burned by fire once, you don't leap into the flames again.

There's nothing wrong with the fire.. if you don't get too close. - Patch

Seclusion wasn't good for anyone; it made you forget how to protect yourself.

We shall take a star out of the skies and shall set thousands of worlds on fire...

A turmoil of winds rushed around him, spiraling up in to the air: he was thinking.

I threw myself into that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn.

Your hair is winter fire,January embers.My heart burns there, too.-Stephen King, IT