Never worry about what you can't control...Focus on what you can.

The best way to reach your Goal is to say "NO" more than you say "YES

Always think at least two steps ahead [in everything, with everyone].

It is much easier to focus on what you like than on what you dislike.

All of history has pointed its refining focus to your life this moment.

Conviction is having the mindset to never doubt your self-understanding

Focus on what you can do right now, not what you can't do right now

Hatred can't erase love memories.You need to focus on anything else.

The conscious mind is intended as a focusing tool, not a storing place.

You Can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is not on focus.

Some people pray for miracles ... with Cosmic Ordering YOU manifest them!

You have to be so disciplined that even your distractions become focused.

Your dreams are worth it. Persevere. Your focus is your power. Harness it.

The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus.

Success will be within your reach only when you start reaching out for it.