Antibiotics, viral tabs, painkillers, sterilisation spray,” Kasyanov said. “Other stuff. Bandages, medicines, contraceptives.Hoop raised an eyebrow.“Hey. Forever is a long time.

War." Gorgon spits the word. "That is what they call it to give the illusion of honor and law. It is chaos. Madness and blood and the hunger to win. It has always been thus and shall always be so.

Fate is the malevolent little jester sitting up in the heavens and pondering over how ridiculous we humans are and he does his best to make fools out of all of us. And sooner or later he succeeds.

At last, you will not be remembered for roaming the earth as a non-entity, but by every word, and every miracle, and every love, and every seed that ever came from the innermost part of your heart.

If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever.

If you think it is possible, it will be possible. If you think it is impossible, the imposible will be possible. Whatever you think; whether posible or impossible will forever be possible to happen.

Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find.

As eternal beings, we shouldn’t let our time spent trapped in the temporal prisons we call our bodies distract us from the fact that love is forever. Love now and love later, because the two are one.

I'm not sure why, but when a person expects something to last forever, they don't notice the little things. It's only when the clock is ticking all those little things add up and become bigger.

I loved her like Monday’s not Sunday. Is it yesterday yet? I won’t know if we were meant to be together forever until six days from now. That’s a long time. Also, that’s a long time.

Don't live life hiding behind your past. Live for the moment. When you find someone you want to spend forever with, you don't let them go, whether forever turns out to be a day, a year or fifty years

She smiled into his mouth. “That was … wow.”“It's always wow. You're wow. I'll never get enough of you, Lydia. Not after ten years in dreams; not after forever in real life.

I vow I am, and always will be, constant and faithful in my love for you, Anais. Nothing you or anyone else does shall alter these feelings. I am forever loving, forever waiting, forever yearning...forever yours.

¿Qué quiere decir felices por siempre jamás, después de todo, sino una caída en lo ordinario, en la debilidad humana, acumulando desesperación, una caída de muerte?

I’m not going to answer that because it’s ridiculous. I love you, Lainey. I've loved you from the day I met you, if not before, and I've loved you every day since. How could you even doubt that?