This free will business is a bit terrifying anyway. It's almost pleasanter to obey, and make the most of it.

The limit of a person's will, at least in one respect, is the limit of that person's ability to believe.

You can change the road you take, but sometimes it can bend back to lead you straight to that same stubborn fate.

You realize that there is no free will in what we create with AI. Everything functions within rules andparameters

I am a free person.I am free to dream.I am free to pursue my dreams.I am free to love.I am free to serve mankind.

Perhaps, there is no such person who can be called truly free, but only those who can be deemed so by comparison.

Stubbornness" is knowing exactly what you want courageously living by free will; never to be judged or ridiculed.

A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it.

God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us.

It has occurred to me more than once that holy boredom is good and sufficient reason for the invention of free will.

You cannot hinder someone’s free will, that’s the first law of the Universe, no matter what the decision.

It may be bad for you, but government has no role in dictating our lives. People should be free to imprison themselves.

This is one of the two great labyrinths into which human minds are drawn: the question of free will versus predestination.

Christianity would be helpless without the idea of free will and the idea offree will would be helpless without incongruity.

You have a perfect right to consign us all to hell, rector, but you must allow us the choice of how we get there.Raspberry Jam