In the silence of loveyou will find the spark of life

Everything worth having can be carried in your heart.

Your heart is like your brain. It has to be protected.

Without money you can't reach to girl's heart.

Life provides chances to open your heart all the time.

Be wonderful! Like a dog, love with all of your heart.

My heart does not desire what my eyes does not admire.

One day, I decided I was going to write books forever.

The desires of the heart are as crooked as corkscrews.

The heart will stretch a short love into long memories.

A smile on the face is a sign that the heart is at home

The purest of heart often carries the heaviest burdens.

The heart cannot embrace what the mind does not accept.

When my heart bleeds, it needs no stab with the dagger.

Look into your heart- and go after what you really want.