To live in a world where men do not love, where they cheat and are callous, is to sink into a preoccupation with death, and to see the futility of anything except virtue.

I'm a giant pimple on the face of humanity.

But for most of the world- for most of Vermont- the Cape Abenaki meltdown is just another bit of old news. Tsunamis. School shootings. Syria. We watch it, we read about it, and then we move on. As a species, we're either very resilient or super callous. I don't know which.

Road to love

Be a good human.

Love Knows NO GENDER.

Man is a vile creature!

Humanity is a comic role.

We have lost our humanity.

Allow your humanity to shine.

Rise or fall, we will live on

BE the light you already are.

Love truth, and pardon error.

I am more human than rational.

I'm tired of hating people