I used to think it was mere homesickness, then I started getting it at home.

His client needs him, he says. Needs him? But isn’t he needed at home?

It's not...not as easy to break away from home as I thought it'd be.

Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home.

The fish,Even in the fisherman's net,Still carries,The smell of the sea.

Maybe that's the best part of going away for a vacation-coming home again.

Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.

Four walls don’t make a home. Neither does having a roof over your mouth.

It was a place you could make into a home if your home hadn’t worked out.

I wanted my home to be a haven, like coming in from the cold to a big warm hug.

Nothing else has the power to calm, comfort, and care for you better than home.

I knew I loved youwhen 'home' went from being a placeto being a person.

Home was merely a dull ache in the back of his memory. A tiredness in his eyes.

old stories are like old friends (...) you have to visit them from time to time.

Freedom meant one thing to him—home.But they wouldn't let him go home.