Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives.

Every story of conversion is a story of blessed defeat.

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground

What each man is in Your eyes, thus he is, and no more.

They are proud in humility proud that they are not proud

Study cannot happen until we are subject to the subject.

See everything, overlook a great deal, correct a little.

Humility is as good for the soul as it is for the memory

You must love yourself first to the soul of your aura...

He is as full of valor as of kindness. Princely in both.

Too many non-achievers confuse humility with humiliation.

We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility

Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful.

One cannot be humble and aware of oneself at the same time.

Being a fool for God was not merely alright but liberating.