And they lived ever after, whether they were happy about it or not.

Wherever you are, be loving, caring, kind, and above all, be happy.

Some people radiate happiness and make every one happy around them.

There is Story Behind every Smile and You Are My Favorite Chapter!!

Talking about someone who makes you happy actually makes you happy.

If to love each other is the job, then the happy life is the salary.

Don't interpret anything too much. This is time waster number 1.

It's okay to be crazy as long as you keep writing and are happy.

It took me ages to grow into being a woman, into being happy with it.

Giddy is a grin and giggles and that glint of goofiness in your gaze.

Happiness doesn't have to be merely has to be chosen.

I’d rather be miserable loving you than happy with anyone else.

You do not need to make everyone happy, because you are not paid for.

Happiness often sneaks through doors you didn't even know were open

We are so keen in our #pursuitofhappiness that we forget to be #happy!!