When you are older, you will learn that the first and foremost thing which any ordinary person does is nothing.

Bisogna chiamare le cose con il loro nome, la paura del nome non fa altro che aumentare la paura della cosa stessa

I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you.

Bize aslında kim olduğumuzu gösteren şey, yeteneklerimizdençok seçimlerimizdir...

I think I'm a tiny bit like Harry 'cos I'd like to have an owl. Yeah, that's the tiny bit, actually.

Christian allegories are a dime a dozen. You can find them in any story, if you look hard enough. Even Harry Potter.

You're joking, Perce! You are actually joking, Percy... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-

For our Hogwarts is in danger from external, deadly foesAnd we must unite inside her or we'll crumble from within

Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls.We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat.George!Only joking, Mum.

I like the idea of Warrior Flitwick running to save the day by screaming, "Let's do some charm harm, my snitches!

Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn't mean no one else has spotted I'm a girl!

Personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a checklist of acquisition. Your qualifications are not your life.

Scared?" Malfoy muttered, so that Lockhart couldn't hear him."You wish." said Harry out of the corner of his mouth.

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind.

No confíes en cosas que tengan la capacidad de pensar pero de las cuales no sepas dónde tienen el cerebro.