I am the girlyou fool around with,before you meetthe love of your life.

And anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end.

She walked away too far for me to call... and for her to hear my voice.

No use in crying over a boy because there are plenty more just like him

Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren't accompanied by regret.

When the heart is broken or wounded, the cloud of tears is torn as well

Loving you was like jumping into the dark side of a pool, and drowning.

Te quise y ahora te devuelvo tus cosas, las saco de mi vida como a ti...

I never wanted but your heart--that gone, you have nothing more to give.

It's risky most of the time, but its better to listen to your heart.

How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego.

Today I gave you an hour. A year ago I would have given you an eternity.

When the anesthesia of love wears off,you suffer the pain of consequence.

Dear Lover...you are the only man, who never hurt me, but broke my heart.

It's the broken plans you have made that are the hardest to get over.