When Authority is discovered and faith applied, power is manifested

Don't cry after my death . with smiling face send me to heaven.

If the Kingdom is being advanced at any level it represents increase

Sometimes I think heaven must be one continuous unexhausted reading.

The cabin on the lake is nothing compared to my mansion in eternity!

Faith is the only belief which remains alive between heaven and hell.

When a saint is lowered in darkness of the grave, then he is in light

Life with trials hard may press me;Heaven will bring me sweeter rest.

When all humans have self-love, wouldn’t it be heaven on earth?

You can't expect devil to show you the path that leads to Heaven.

Why do we have to die to got to heaven? The earth is already in space.

Small as a pea. Wider than the sea. This is where you and I came to be.

Bonhoeffer thought of death as the last station on the road to freedom.

There is a sort of mental treasonThat smothers dreams outside of reason

Yo, que me figuraba el Paraíso bajo la especie de una biblioteca.