A pod in the Matrix is looking pretty good right now.

I do not claim to be a healer: only God is the Healer.

We change the world a little each day with our kindness.

Ask us for any help you need...Let us be strong for you.

Lord, I pray that lead me to the people who need my help.

You are never strong enough that you don't need help.

Purpose of Life: Understand Who You AreBelieve In Yourself.

Toa msaada katika jamii iliyosaidia kukulea ulipokuwa mdogo.

Even though we all know something,There is a lot more to it.

I need your help. Hold this water balloon while I pee in it.

You can do it alone. But it's going to be so much harder.

I need the kind of help that comes with a side order of help.

it's not about what to think,it's about how to think.

When there is abundance of fish, we need help to pull the nets.

All religions and spiritual traditions begin with the cry "Help!