I think children want to believe that they can be heroes too.

Heroes save worlds," Clary said. "They don't destroy them.

Because it is on the anvil of pain that the gods forge heroes.

Heroes are the most wanted and most needed people in the world.

You have worked too long in the life, now its time for heroism.

What is heroic is not making life any harder that it has to be.

For happiness don't pursue satisfaction, but pursue heroism.

He did what heroes do after their work is accomplished; he died.

A dead man who never caused others to die seldom rates a statue.

Are we not all actors playing parts in another person's play?

Sacrifices will make you a martyr, victories will make you a hero.

Today is my last day as a human, tomorrow I am going to be a hero.

You’re not really grown until you’ve lost your heroes.

I was just trying to be a very good human, instead I became a hero.

You might hate a successful person, but you can not hate a true hero.