Hero' is not an official status or designation, but if the world recognize you as a hero, it is the highest honor you will ever receive.

If you honor the moments by not wasting them, the Time will honor you back by remembering you as the hero, for the rest of the time to come.

Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere alikuwa baba kwa familia yake. Kwa Tanzania alikuwa mlezi; wa ndoto ya haki, amani, uzalendo, ujamaa, na uhuru.

Sin embargo, aunque muertos viviremos en un pequeño rincón de vuestra felicidad, porque por esa felicidad hemos dado nuestra vida.

panglima sebelum terlewat, pintakukembalilah ke medan perangjika kau masih memilih menjadi pejuang.(Catatan di Kertas Lusuh Buat Panglima Perang)

No doubt you can get more in your market for a quart of milk than for a quart of blood, but that is not the market that heroes carry their blood to.

No war is ever glorious. Heroes are usually dead. Besides, they rarely turn into heroes because they are super-humans, but because of circumstances.

he's stuck with them, so he makes the best of a bad situation. he's a hero because he makes something good out of a life he doesn't want.

I'm a fucking coward.""Maybe." Craw jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Whirrun's corpse. "There's a hero. Tell me who's better off.

Perhaps a hero is someone who doesn’t register his own vulnerability. Is it courage, then, if you’re too daft to know you’re mortal?

Let's get one thing clear, there may be few or many successful people in your profession, but there is going to be only one hero in that profession.

Winners of some competition are not heroes, heroes are not found in the competition, heroes win much more severe battles than competition to become heroes.

Once you're labeled as mentally ill, and that's in your medical notes, then anything you say can be discounted as an artifact of your mental illness.

My left foot is the wisdom from yesterday, my right foot is the vision of tomorrow and my mind is focused on the work of today and this is how I stand a winner.

Subtle difference between a hero and an opportunist is not where you stand but its timing. Standing up against injustice when it suits is convenience not heroism