People that criticize the harshest usually are the ones who would trade places the fastest

Your imaginations are not beyond creation, only God's imaginations exceeds all creation.

We are all foolish sinners saved only by grace & we can all use a little guidance sometimes.

As Christians, we call ourselves people of faith, but how much practical faith do we really have?

NO one can say 'NO' to sin and 'Yes' to rightousness without the help of Holy Spirit.

The course of a life can be changed with some well timed, lovingly asked, honestly answered questions.

Gospel change is the Spirit of God using the story of God to make the beauty of God come alive in our hearts

I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf.

Any teachings that fail to recognize Jesus Christ as the author of life, is absolutely antichrist.John 1:1-13.

You need the Spirit of the Lord to come mightily upon you. When He is in charge, your troubles are in trouble.

I pray that the Holy Spirit puts His Words in my mouth, His movement in my heart and His direction in my path.

The Holy Spirit opens the inner recesses of our hearts and enables us to see the moral cesspools hidden there.

You cannot successfully follow Jesus Christ unless you learn how to overcome fear through his name.John 14:1-4.

Faith in Christ leaped from person to person like some divine epidemic, not of disease but of spiritual health.

Proverbs 28:26Those who trust in their own reasoning are fools, but those who walk in Wisdom will be kept safe.