I'm a man of few words, most of them end in off!

Don’t get all gothic and emo on me now. - Tory

It touched me to be trusted with something terrible.

I felt a lunatic’s laugh welling up inside me.

No I'm not a dream, I'm your worst nightmare

There was blood on the hair of his chinny chin chin.

Nothing says you care like sending someone a kitten.

The divine is always abominable."Houses Under The Sea

The blessings of the devil is the beginning of dread.

I think perhaps all of us go a little crazy at times.

Hey, Tracy you army brat, I think it’s for you!

I never saw a dollar bill cry at anyone's funeral.

But if home suddenly becomes not like home, what then?

I've never wanted a heart as much as I want yours.

We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.