Audience can live without a movie but a movie cannot live without an audience.

Why do Twolegs do anything? If we knew that, our lives would be a lot easier.

Your courage will be tested during the adversity as well as during the change.

Don't feel bad if your youth cannot be joyful, but at least make it useful.

Earthlings went on being friendly, when they should have been thinking instead.

People need appreciation from more persons than they need love from one person.

With true love you can win one person, with true passion you can win the world.

Ils venaient de prendre conscience de l'immensité de leur ignorance.

They're butterflies because...well, he thought it was cool. They eat humans.

Heroes are hero no matter if everybody is watching them or nobody watching them.

If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat.

Nothing ever happens in the world that does not happen first inside human hearts.

Few moments are so special that they should be recognized by special expressions.

In the matter of spirit follow the Gods, in the matter of work follow the heroes.

What You Get Is What You Got Because Only One Who Gives You That And That Is God.