If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human.

For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.

No man is ordinary, only their performances are ordinary.

In nature there is no death, Only a reshuffling of atoms.

Humans are the unrivaled plague the nature has even seen.

A man can build a home but it needs a woman to run a home.

Memories make you sentimental, experiences make you smart.

Creative minds doesn't follow rules, they follow will.

Consult your memory to know what matters most in your life.

First you be a hero and then raise your child to be a hero.

Everything is going to be fine now because heroes are here.

Sometimes I do face failures, but I don't like failures.

Humans are destructive animals, but they are also wise ones.

Use your youth to do something useful or unique or ultimate.

Relationships are where we humans get our greatest education.