Why was love such an addictive drug?Why did loving someone cause such suffering?

So love is about finding the right person to hurt you?”“Pretty much.

Love always hurts, Always. It’s what you do with it that makes it durable.

When a heart gets hurt, its pain comes over the words.”― Samar Sudha

Tell me you're sorry.Tell me you don't hate me enough to hurt me this way.

Even when someone hurts you, you choose how to struggle, resist, deny and receive.

I'd rather have names to hurt me, than my bones broken with sticks and stones.

Life is like a race, whenever I found a finish line, I lose, bcoz I'm last.. :(

No. I will never let you hurt Day like that. Not the way I've already hurt him.

Our faces were no more than ten inches apart, but she was light years away from me.

I have fallen for someone who's so emotionally shut down, I will only get hurt.

There are various wounds to describe our hurts;the deepest one is the most painful.

Sometimes you have to forgive the process, knowing that the outcome is for the best.

Dia lelah untuk menangis. Dia lelah untuk merasa sakit. Dia lelah merasa kehilangan.

Children are gifts. They are not ours for the breaking. They are ours for the making.