Does no one want to know the truth here, Mr. Archer? The real loneliness is living among all these kind of people who only ask one to pretend!

God doesn't condone true hypocrisy. If one was living wickedly and doing what they please while claiming His name, He wouldn't be near.

Between ourselves, there are two things that I have always observed to be in singular accord: supercelestial thoughts and subterranean conduct.

Affronts to her reputation pierced her to the heart, though I couldn’t understand why, since she had very little character left to defend.

It's impossible for a lawless one to be exalted by God. Oil and water. Pay attention to the fruits and not what society (satan) say of them.

God wants us to humbly and sincerely ask him things. How often do you enjoy people talking about you without taking the time to get to know you?

Hypocrites,’ replied Cale, ‘I’ve come across a lot of them recently. I mean by that I understand now how many of them there are.

A man far oftener appears to have a decided character from persistently following his temperament than from persistently following his principles.

A person can be only shown a mirror, but it’s solely his duty to decide whether he wants to see his artificial beauty or natural personality.

How can I clearly see what’s wrong with someone else, and then look at myself as though I’m standing in front of a fogged mirror?

I have that hypocrisy of a parent in that I'm like,'Come on, you've got to toughen up at the same time let me take care of that for you.

A person is also mentally weak by the quantity of time he spends to sneak peek into others lives to devalue and degrade the quality of his own life.

Teenagers can spot hypocrisy a mile away and here I was telling them how to cope when they witnessed the shambles of my own life and how I was living.

I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said. The art of reading between the lines is a life long quest of the wise.