A bank customer had $100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals, totaling $100. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:

A group of privates were standing in the blistering sun facing due west. Their sergeant shouted at them: Right turn! About turn! Left turn! In which direction are they now facing?

John and Peter are twin brothers. One always tells the truth and the other always lies. What single yes-no question can you ask to either brother to figure out which one is which?

Phil asks his friend Stan when his birthday is. Stan replies that he was 32 the day before yesterday and next year he’ll be 35. When is his birthday and how is this possible?

Gilles, Robert and Michael are married to Louise, Carole and Lily. Louise’s sister is married to Michael. Gilles has never met Lily who is an only child. Who are the couples?

One minute ago, a clock that strikes only the hours just finished striking an hour. If the clock has struck a total of 21 in the last 2.5 hours, what hour did it just finish striking?

You must cut a birthday cake into eight equal pieces, but you’re only allowed to make three straight cuts, and you can’t move pieces of the cake as you cut. How can you do it?

There are a few trees in a garden. On one of them, a pear tree, there are pears. But after a strong wind blew, there were neither pears on the tree nor on the ground. How is this possible?

A pencil, an eraser, and a notebook together cost $1. A notebook costs more than 2 pencils. 3 pencils cost more than 4 erasers. 3 erasers cost more than a notebook. How much does each cost?

What letter is two to the right of the letter which is four to the left of the letter which is immediately to the right of the letter four to the right of the letter C below? A B C D E F G H

What is the minimum number of socks you’d need to take from the drawer in total darkness if it contained 24 blue socks and 20 black socks and you wanted to be assured of a pair of black socks?

You have twelve marbles that are identical in size, shape, and color. One of the marbles is heavier in weight than the rest. How can you find the heavier marble by using a balance scale only thrice?

I was given 100 questions to be solved. I scored 85. The score was calculated by subtracting twice the number of wrong answers from number of correct answers. How many questions did I solve correctly?

Chris and Leon are twin brothers. Chris is elder to Leon by 2 minutes. One day, Chris celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his twin brother, Leon, celebrated his birthday. How is this possible?

A nonstop train leaves Moscow for Leningrad at 60 miles per hour. Another nonstop train leaves Leningrad for Moscow at 40 miles an hour. How far apart are the trains 1 hour before they pass each other?