What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What can go up a chimney down but can’t go down a chimney up?
What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?
If an electric train is traveling south, which way is the smoke going?
I am the shortest complete sentence in the English language. What am I?
There is a house. One enters it blind and leaves it seeing. What is it?
What word if pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right?
I am a word. I become longer when the third letter is removed. What am I?
What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?
Find an English word that uses all of the following letters: PNLLEEEESSSSS
I take what you receive and surrender it all by waving my flag. What am I?
Railroad crossing without any cars. Can you spell that without any R’s?
I have a brother. However much we run, we do not reach each other. What am I?
I have skin, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. What am I?
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?