What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day?
What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day?
What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, poor people have it, rich people need it and if you eat it, you die. What is it?
I am the type of room you can not enter or leave. Raise from the ground below. I could be poisonous or a delicious treat. What am I?
No matter how hard you try, I can open what you can’t. If it wasn’t for me, on your front porch you would stand. What am I?
I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but no head. I cannot see, and I’m neat and tidy, as can be. What am I?
What has everything inside it? Everything you can imagine. Even God, wind, world, sky, heaven, earth and everything that comes to your mind?
It runs and runs but can never flee. It is often watched, yet never sees. When long it brings boredom, when short it brings fear. What is it?
A man has $1.15 in six coins. He can’t make change for a dollar, a half dollar, a quarter, a dime, or a nickel. What coins did he have?
I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I?
If you throw me from the window, I will leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but in the door, and you’ll see someone giving life. What am I?
The person who makes me has no need for me. The person who buys me doesn’t use me. The person who is using me doesn’t know it. What am I?
I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?
I am enjoyed by some, despised by others. Some take me for granted, some treasure me like a gift. I last forever, unless you break me first. What am I?
I’m white, and used for cutting and grinding. When I am damaged, humans usually remove or fill me. For most animals I am a useful tool. What am I?
My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I’m often invited to play. Yet wherever I go I must take my bow or else I have nothing to say. What am I?