Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. There is nothing they won’t tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness. However, the moment you betray them, reject them or devalue them, they become the worse type of person. Unfortunately, they end up hurting themselves in the long run. They don’t want to hurt other people. It is against their very nature. They want to make amends and undo the wrong they did. Their life is a wave of highs and lows. They live with guilt and constant pain over unresolved situations and misunderstandings. They are tortured souls that are not able to live with hatred or being hated. This type of person needs the most love anyone can give them because their soul has been constantly bruised by others. However, despite the tragedy of what they have to go through in life, they remain the most compassionate people worth knowing, and the ones that often become activists for the broken hearted, forgotten and the misunderstood. They are angels with broken wings that only fly when loved.

If shame had a face I think itwould kind of look like mineIf it had a home would it be my eyesWould you believe me if I said I'm tired of thisWell here we go now one more timeI tried to climb your stepsI tried to chase you downI tried to see how low I could get it down to the groundI tried to earn my wayI tried to tame this mindYou better believe that I tried to beat this[CHORUS]So when will this end it goes on and onOver and over and over againKeep spinning around I know that it won't stopTill I step down from this for goodI never thought I'd end up hereNever thought I'd be standing where I amI guess I kinda thought it would be easier than thisI guess I was wrong now one more timeI tried to climb your stepsI tried to chase you downI tried to see how long I could get it down to the groundI tried to earn my wayI tried to tame this mindYou better believe that I tried yo beat this[REPEAT CHORUS]Sick cycle carouselThis is a sick sycle, yeahSick cycle carouselThis is a sick cycle, yeah[REPEAT CHORUS TWICE]Sick cycle carouselSick cycle carouselSick cycle carousel...

And Harry remembered his first nightmarish trip into the forest, the first time he had ever encountered the thing that was then Voldemort, and how he had faced him, and how he and Dumbledore had discussed fighting a losing battle not long thereafter. It was important, Dumbledore said, to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated. . . .And Harry saw very clearly as he sat there under the hot sun how people who cared about him had stood in front of him one by one, his mother, his father, his godfather, and finally Dumbledore, all determined to protect him; but now that was over. He could not let anybody else stand between him and Voldemort; he must abandon forever the illusion he ought to have lost at the age of one, that theshelter of a parent’s arms meant that nothing could hurt him. There was no waking from his nightmare, no comforting whisper in the dark that he was safe really, that it was all in his imagination; the last and greatest of his protectors had died, and he was more alone than he had ever been before.

Ngày lễ độc thânChúng ta hãy cùng nhau tới bờ sông đốt pháo hoaPháo hoa là người tình bí mật của đêm, là nước mắt nơi khoé mi.Độc thân là tội lỗi do sự mất cân bằng giới tính.Pháo hoa thật đẹp,Độc thân thật mệt,Nếu tôi là một bông pháo hoaTôi nhất địnhSẽ toả sáng rực rỡ một lần...Nếu tôi là một người độc thânTôi nhất địnhViết một bức thư gửi Quốc hộiCầu xin Quốc hộiHoặc là khống chế sự mất cân bằng giới tính, hoặc là tán thành việc kết hôn đồng giới.

They all seem infected with a vivaciousness that isn't common in our compound, and there are more smiles on their faces than I've ever seen at once. And yet as I watch them, I feel more intensely than ever the knowledge that I'm not one of them. For these moral humans, birthdays are a kind of countdown to the end, the ticking clock of a dwindling life. For me, birthdays are notches on an infinite timeline. Will I grow tired of parties one day? Will my birthday become meaningless? I imagine myself centuries from now, maybe at my three-hundredth birthday, looking all the way back to my seventeenth. How will I possibly be happy, remembering the light in my mother's eyes? The swiftness of Uncle Antonio's steps as he dances? The way my father stands on edge of the courtyard, smiling in that vague, absent way of his? The scene shifts and blues in my imagination. As if brushed away by some invisible broom, these people whom I've known my entire life disappear. The courtyard is empty, bare, covered in decaying leaves. I imagine Little Cam deserted, with everyone dead and gone and only me left in the shadows. Forever.

في تلك الليالي أيقنت بعد جلاء العناصر، أنني جئت إلى هذا الوجود وحيداً، و أنني سأسعى فرداً منقطعاً مهما تعددت الصحبة، و اتصلت الحميمية، و كل ما تؤججه الرفقة إنما لواذٌ وقتي، مرهونٌ بمده، له إبتداء و له إنتهاء شأن كافة المواقيت.

Reflecting back on the journey to the“Great Outdoors”places me in a different tonal mood, filledup with hope and passion, not resentful,suppressed relics of anger unresolvedDid you listen to the winds?What did you hear?Did you listen to the trees?What knowledge did they bring you?Did you listen to the birds?What songs did they sing to you?Did you listen to the Universe(s)?What messages did they bring you?Did you listen to the ancestors?What hope did they send you?Did you really listen?Close your eyes and open up your fullheart and listen againNot for meDo it 4 UrSelfDo it 4 tha FutureLook beyond UrSelfOpen up UrSelfLove ThySelfQuiet the chatter of your mind, closethe racing tracks and be still andquiet so that U can hear whatthey’re trying to say to U.Be appreciative for what U have beenbestowed and blessed to be stewards of, pleasedo not take this to mean: Destroy, dominate,and control.Let it mean be cognizant of the complexity, respect truebiodiversity, respect and honor all Life, allow for balance, andrecognize evolutionary adaptability in all of Creation.The winds are blowing good tidings and blessingsin this here direction as this one poem comesto a close while striving for the rootedness of anancient Sequoia so high up in the sky and deeply rootedin our common Mother. Listen to my woes of lonelinessand see that will Life all around, NO one is truly lonely or alone.

A Wish on the Sun""I see the world beyond a tiny window that allows a glimpse of Heaven into my life. Those who dwell in that enviable light cannot hear me through the glass that muffles my cries. They do not appear to see my face pressed against this barrier.I watch them live, carefree and smiling. Even when our eyes lock—mine wide and weary—theirs squint beyond notice of me. They can't peer past the glass, the sunlight glaring off its surface. They don't see me. They won't see me.I make a wish on the sun, staring into its fiery brightness, imagining it blinding me to the beauty beyond my reach. Would my hell feel so awful then? The sun, this nearest star, absorbs my deepest wish for the thousandth time. 'Save me! Hold my hand! Pretend to care!'The light is blocked by a figure stepping past my window, and I feel the universe turn its cold shoulder on me. Despair smothers the hope that made my lips move in utterance of a desperate wish. It ebbs and weakens, but it does not die. The flicker of an ember remains, enough to ignite hope again—another time.All storms eventually cease, do they not?Once more, I press my face against the glass to view a glimpse of Heaven lived by the undeserving. I savor the sunlight, the only thing powerful enough to penetrate the window that bars me in hell. The warm rays touch me. I imagine God's fingers caressing my face—and the dying ember of hope suddenly inflames.

I paid the taxi driver, got out with my suitcase, surveyed my surroundings, and just as I was turning to ask the driver something or get back into the taxi and return forthwith to Chillán and then to Santiago, it sped off without warning, as if the somewhat ominous solitude of the place had unleashed atavistic fears in the driver's mind. For a moment I too was afraid. I must have been a sorry sight standing there helplessly with my suitcase from the seminary, holding a copy of Farewell's Anthology in one hand. Some birds flew out from behind a clump of trees. They seemed to be screaming the name of that forsaken village, Querquén, but they also seemed to be enquiring who: quién, quién, quién. I said a hasty prayer and headed for a wooden bench, there to recover a composure more in keeping with what I was, or what at the time I considered myself to be. Our Lady, do not abandon your servant, I murmured, while the black birds, about twenty-five centimetres in length, cried quién, quién, quién. Our Lady of Lourdes, do not abandon your poor priest, I murmured, while other birds, about ten centimetres long, brown in colour, or brownish, rather, with white breasts, called out, but not as loudly, quién, quién, quién, Our Lady of Suffering, Our Lady of Insight, Our Lady of Poetry, do not leave your devoted subject at the mercy of the elements, I murmured, while several tiny birds, magenta, black, fuchsia, yellow and blue in colour, wailed quién, quién, quién, at which point a cold wind sprang up suddenly, chilling me to the bone.

أنفٌ وحيدصينيةُ الشاي بفناجينِها الخزفيةِ الكثيرة بصَخبِها وكثيفِ بخارِها برنينِ الملاعقِ على الحوافِ بعد تقليبِ السُُّكرْ تختلفُ عن فنجانٍ صامتٍ وحيدْ يجلسُ في فتورٍ فوق حافةِ مكتبٍ عتيقْ ينتظرُ امرأةً واجمةْ. الأبخرةُ الكثيفةْ (التي تتقافزُ من الفناجين الكثيرة التي تختلفُ عن الفنجان الوحيد) تحملُ رائحةَ أوراقِ الشاي الهنديِّ التي: جمعتها أيادٍ وجفّفتها أيادٍ وعلبّتها وشحنتها أيادٍ، لكي تشربَها أيادٍ كثيرة. ترتفعُ صيحاتُها، الأبخرةُ، لتعلوَ على صَخَبِ أنوفٍ كثيرة تتحلّقُ حول صينيةٍ في منتصفِ قاعةِ معيشة صاخبة. بينما، مِن الفنجانِ الوحيد، يصعدُ خيطٌ نحيلٌ من البخارْ ساكتٌ واهنْ يتراقصُ في منحنياتٍ ضَجِرة ليبحث في صعوبةٍ عن أنفِ السيدةِ التي لا أحدَ يزورُها.

- Чувал ли си за болестта сибирска треска?- Не.- Чела съм за нея преди доста време.. Но не помня заглавието на книгата. От сибирска треска боледуват предимно селяните в Сибир. Опитай се да си представиш следното: ти си селянин и живееш съвсем сам в дивата сибирска тайга. Ден след ден превиваш гръб над ралото, разораваш нивите си с пот на челото. Наоколо, докъдето ти стига погледът, няма нищо. Накъдето и да се обърнеш, виждаш само хоризонта - на север, на изток, на юг, на запад - все същото. И нищо друго. Сутрин слънцето изгрява и ти отиваш да работиш на полето. Когато застане над главата ти, значи е дошло време за обяд. Щом започне да клони към залез, се връщаш у дома да спиш..И това се повтаря ден след ден, година след година..Та, представи си, че ти си такъв селянин..Идва ден, когато нещо в теб умира..Нещо..Всеки ден виждаш как слънцето изгрява от изток, изминава своя път по небето, после залязва на запад и нещо в теб се прекършва и умира. Захвърляш плуга и с празна от мисли глава тръгваш на запад. На запад от слънцето. Вървиш ден след ден като луд - не ядеш, не пиеш, докато не паднеш мъртъв на земята. Това е сибирската треска - hysteria siberiana.Опитах се да си представя сибирски селянин, лежащ мъртъв на земята и попитах:- Но какво има там, на запад от слънцето?- Не знам. Може би нищо. А може и да има нещо. Във всеки случай е различно от онова, което е на юг от границата.