Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe.

Forgiving men is so much easier than forgiving women.

Ask God to give you the fifty-year view of your hurt.

Sometimes you just have to regret things and move on.

Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional.

Sometimes what a person needs most is to be forgiven.

A strong gives forgiveness but weak gives permission.

Forgiveness has the ability to transform our thoughts.

Never lose Faith. Always have hope. Love for always.

An eye for an eye, and the whole world would be blind.

Forgiveness is like faith You have to keep reviving it

There's a fine line between forgiveness and denial.

I can forgive you for leaving, but not for coming back.

I refuse to live life with unsettled differences”.

God may forgive you if He chooses, but not I. Au revoir.