What is your name, my pet?""Kitty," she replied.DeVere threw back his head with a guffaw. "Kitty? How delightfully apropos!" His erstwhile companions forgotten, he patted a muscular thigh. "Come then, Kitty, my sweet, little puss. Sit on your master's lap, and I'll stroke you 'till you purr."-A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE

She promised you'd get to shore in one piece.' Cheap said, 'and I won't make a liar out of her. But if you know what's good for you, you'll forget about that girl. Ask anyone on the coast. Or the Lord God himself. They'll tell you. Lucas Cheap sailed with the Brethren. He makes good ever on his threats.

He was, she realised, quite graceful. The very idea surprised her. Male grace was a quality she'd never thought of beyond the ballroom; either a man could dance a quadrille with skill and without stepping on her feet or he could not. But here was another kind of grace altogether--and untrained grace, an instinctive animal grace.

Ne, ne valja sprečavati da se sila razvagni. Neka bije. Neka udari. Pustite silnika da se sav utopi u svojem zlu. Neka se bijele ruke pretvore u grabežljive pandže da je ljudstvo prepozna. Pustite silu neka juri na divljem konju jer od divljeg topota probudit će slabost i ustati na noge kao novorođena jakost.

She ate it and cried.Soon, he put the melting ice cream away."Shura," Tatiana whispered, "darling, forget what should have been. Remember all that was.""Tatiasha, babe," Alexander whispered, coming back to bed to be covered, "my one and only wife, forget our age, our splendid youth, forget it all and let our crazy love make us young.

You’re as lovely as a flower in the stark of winter… Your hair is the color of wheat under the midday sun, and your eyes—”“Yes, yes. My eyes are like the sea or the sky or some such nonsense,” she quipped with a laugh, the lilting sound like the finest music, better than anything he could ever play.

Mr. Ryland was a riddle to unfold, an attractive one at that. The lone candle flickered behind him, outlining powerful shoulders, tempting solidness she wanted to test."But an evening of harmless flirtation isn't out of the question."His gaze fixed on her. "I'd welcome an evening free of complications."Did he just proposition her?

Moonlight does things to a street scene that no other natural or man-made phenomenon can effect. People walk slower, their smiles lingering on contended faces. Horses that usually move along fast enough to stir up the dust off the street plod lazily in the clear, cool night. And in dark corners where people forget to look, the goons come out.

You think Diana would come to your bed?” Ned threw his head back and laughed. “You’re mad! First of all, she would never break her marriage vows. Secondly, she’s certainly deduced by now what a whoremonger you are. She wouldn’t touch you with gloves, my friend.” from THE DEVIL YOU KNOW (DEVIL DEVERE book #3)

Papa had always told Justine that guns had a remarkable capacity to focus the mind. She couldn’t say with any confidence that her actions had cleared the minds of the drunken louts before her, but she’d sharpened their attention. They gaped at her, slack-mouth and stupefied, trying to make sense of what their bleary eyes told them.

«Non capisco, cos'è che vi preoccupa tanto?» «Tutto, quando si tratta di voi: il parto, l'odio che provate per Charles, il pensiero che possiate non amarmi mai. Mi fate regredire. Mi fate dimenticare il coraggio. Quando sto con voi divento ciò che di più lontano esiste dall'essere un uomo.»

I never would have conceived that he would finally succumb to marriage. How did you ever convince him?”“I must actually credit Lady Russell. She explained to me that a man desires above all things to think himself his own master. Thus, I had only to convince Marcus that marrying me was entirely his own idea.”-A BREACH OF PROMISE

Griff had never been the fanciful sort, even as a boy. When he was with Pauline, the world was different. She forced him to see things through fresh eyes. Suddenly his library was the eighth wonder of the world, and Corinthian columns merited blasphemy. A ferry across the Thames was an epic journey, and a kiss . . . a kiss was everything.

Listen. Just because we got a mutual hankering, doesn't mean we have to act on it. Aside from the hankering, there isn't much about you that I like. So far, you've been a pain in the behind. And I might as well tell you, I've followed through on one hankering and getting shot was more of an enjoyable experience. I didn't like it.

... not within my memory.""All 300 years of it?"That comment earned her a frown."My apologies," she amended lightly. "I supposed I should not tease you about being so old.""Nay, feel free."His slow smile flashed in the moonlight."I would be happy to prove to you that I possess all the prowess and stamina of a man of 30. Mayhap I should demonstrate.