The worst mistake I ever made has become the best thing I ever did.- Darius Wainwright

You make me burn with life, and yearn to set aside my cold and distant, solitary ways.

There's no need for chains. I can still take you until you're begging for more.

You have not known very many men.""I have no wish to know any others. I love this one.

And if you ever - and I do mean ever - try to leave me, I’m goin’ with you.

It simply isn’t a woman’s nature to be silent for prolonged periods of time.

Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.""You are not asking.""Aye.

Ono u što se nepokolebljivo vjeruje već je početak živog čina.

To those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know.

I sincerely pity the poor man you marry. I doubt he’ll have a moment’s peace.

Osloni se na me, draga, čitav svoj život sretno ću nositi taj dragi teret!

To Jane's horror, he unfolded her paper and read aloud. "Possible Candidates as Lovers.

Enya assessed him like a woman would a piece of fine cloth. "Rugged land for a rugged man.

Ne spominjite uvijek to pomirenje. Nije to ništa drugo nego zamka za slijepe i slabe.

I stop to brace myself against the walls, which are painted with the fingerprints of family.