Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered. I myself would say that it had merely been detected.

Americans bred like rabbits, expecting the reaper to slaughter at least a few before they reached ripeness.

When we drug ourselves to blot out our soul's call, we are being good Americans and exemplary consumers.

The thing they're trying to stop is 30-million people getting health insurance. That's the substance.

It was now December 7, 1941; the date that Franklin D. Roosevelt was destined to declare would live in infamy.

Those who have committed no faults want no pardon. We are only defending what we deem our indisputable rights.

America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement.

They fought the enemy, we fight fat living and self-pity. Shine, o shine, unfalsifying sun, on this sick scene.

Yes here's to the founding fathers—slave-owners, British citizens who didn't want to pay taxes...

America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success.

Freedom tastes like strawberries, vanilla, and blueberries. And it smells like my armpits. Huff it up, America.

The look in Marlee's eyes was triumphant, and the smile hiding behind her cup of tea said, 'Gotcha'!

And Carolina will be cheering on the beautiful daughter of Magda and Shalom Singer, the new Lady America Singer!

Both David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh fell in the fight for freedom, the right of the Americans to be left alone.

He wasn’t allowed to come with me there—my own rule for thislittle adventure.No more.Good-bye, Aspen.