Once you’ve read too many trashy best-sellers, you begin to look for something with substance, something that attempts to define the universe.

Even if you time travel your past, it can't be changed, likewise you can't possibly change your future, it is always the present which matters.

I Speculate on the origins of the universe .But in reality i believe the true facts are those of simple origins.And the universe is for sure out there.

How is your book doing?" or "How many copies have you sold?" are the questions for a salesman. To a writer, you better ask "What did you write today?".

To him [Faraday], as to all true philosophers, the main value of a fact was its position and suggestiveness in the general sequence of scientific truth.

The fact that you can still stand for God even when some people try to push you to fall, is a proof that you were not DRAGGED Up, but you were BROUGHT Up!

The fact that people are in positions does not justify the means that they are leaders. A leader can be blind and to know this, check his sense of vision.

It is necessary, first of all, to find a correct logical starting point, one which can lead us to a natural and sound interpretation of the empirical facts.

the people who are dominated by heart more will never be satisfied until this world start to be a true human and this world gets the face of concept of HEAVEN

Did you know that mako shark fetuses eat each other in the womb?... Its true. Only cannibal fetuses survive to be born. Can you imagine if people were like that?

We always hurt the ones we love, darling. You’ll have to tell her you’re sorry. And mean it and give her time. - Grace Trevelyan-Grey to Christian Grey

It's easy to look back and see it, and it's easy to give the advice. But the sad fact is, most people don't look beneath the surface until it's too late.

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Don't be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life...fear beauty!

If you were to ask me the best time of day to fall in love, I'd say, "Now." But you'd also have to remember to factor in the fact that my watch is eleven minutes fast.