No matter how many lies you use to disguise it or how many excuses you bury it beneath, the truth will never cease to be true.

Never act upon wishful thinking. Act without checking the facts, and chances are that you will be swept away along with the mob.

Cooking is science, throw some ingredients together and a meal may appear, may not be edible but everyone has to start somewhere.

He(Prophet Muhammad) laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.

Had I faced all the facts It seemed like I had but actually you never know just by remembering how many there were to have faced.

The fact that you are true child of God doesn't mean you will find gold on the floor when sweeping. You got to dig up the gold!

There are certain truths that occurs to us, which we cannot convey in words, but requires a personal experience to grasp more vividly.

Nobody can pretend to know what people want to read or hear or see. People rarely know it themselves; they only know it after the fact.

The pain is not about having cheap people around…. real pain is the fact that there are some people with a price to start with.

Myth: Bail-in plans would recapitalize big banks. Fact: big banks are far too insolvent to remotely be in a position for such restoration.

Myth: Feeding the banking sector gobs of welfare cash will bring about a recovery. Fact: Our leaders are only dedicated to preserving powe

Myth: USDollar is money. Fact: Gold & Silver are money. USDollar is legal tender/debt brought down to low parcels for spending purposes.

I’m a fake fact factory. The things I make are the things I make up. Also, as a side business, I make love. Actually, I just made that up.

There is no rule in this universe,which could rule this mighty Creation of that almighty Creator and that's why exceptions are always there.

The one's who say they are gonna hit you, don't do anything... It's the quiet one in the corner is the one you want to be watching...