Lies written in ink cannot disguise facts written in blood.

It is possible to know all the facts and still know nothing.

Americans live not by facts, but by a lengthy list of myths.

People who always arrive early aren't worth waiting for.

Whatever you tell; lie or truth, can both destroy or save you.

Life and death live and die in exactly the same spot, the body.

Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.

Anyone can produce a new fact; the thing is to produce a new idea.

Facts are too busy being true to worry about how you feel about them.

Life wasn't all fucking sunshine and rainbows. Real life was hard.

When everyone believes they are the life coaches, who are the players?

All ideas in a truly free society should always be open for discussion.

Truth is a continuous examination, and Fact... always supersedes belief.

Facts may be colored by the personalities of the people who present them.

Cosmology is a science which has only a few observable facts to work with.